'Mr. Bo also understood the power of the media, and tried to convert it into political power.'
He will have one last card up his sleeve: his acute sense of how to use the media.
Mr. Bo is unique among party leaders of his generation in that he studied journalism while at university and embraced the power of the media to hone his public image-even personally editing stories and television footage about himself, say those involved in the process.
‘Ideally, they want Bo Xilai to just admit guilt so they can end this scandal,’ said one person close to the Bo family. ‘But it is not that simple. Bo Xilai still has a lot of supporters.’
Chinese authorities are tightly controlling media access to the trial-there will be no live broadcast and only two official news outlets are likely to have reporters in the courtroom. But Chinese officials worry, according to party insiders, that Mr. Bo could still try to influence public opinion with the help of relatives and others in the courtroom, who could spread word of any statement he makes that state media doesn’t carry.
中國當局嚴密控制著庭審的媒體渠道——庭審不會直播,而且只有兩家官方新聞機構可能會有記者在現場。但據黨內人士說,中國官員擔心,薄熙來可能還是會在親屬和法庭內其他人的幫助下試圖影響公眾輿論,如果他有所聲明,就算國有媒體不會報道,這些人也會散布出去。 |