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“緣分”是所謂命中注定的人與人遇合的機緣。英譯“緣分”(亦作“天緣”)以及“有緣”、“無緣”常用的英文詞有fate, luck, lot, destiny 等。請看幾個例子:


Wealth and honor, glory and fame, are predetermined by fate. (W.J.F. Jenner 譯)

2.[寶玉問香菱為何薛蟠相親定下了金桂,香菱笑道] 一則是天緣,二來是“情人眼里出西施”(《紅樓夢》)  

It‘s partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."(楊憲益、戴乃迭 譯)  


Who says there isn‘t? It‘s just that my marriage luck has been bad. I‘ve never met the right one. (S. Shapiro 譯)


She lacks the karma; I‘m out of luck. (S. H. L. Idema 譯)


My meagre lot, my partly destiny keep us from remaining together.( M. Robers 譯)


But I have not been lucky enough to find a true friend, and that is why I so often give way to melancholy! (楊憲益、戴乃迭 譯)


You are like a matching lute and zither set. You can appreciate each other‘s music. Fate has been too unkind to allow me

such blessings. If we are linked by the ties of destiny, we will meet again in the next life.  (D.C. & V. H Mair 譯)

8.[方鴻漸看不中張小姐,心中暗說]“我你他”小姐,咱們沒有“舉碗[案]齊眉”的緣分,希望另有好運氣的人來愛上您! 。ā秶恰罚

Miss Wo-Ni-Ta, we just weren‘t meant to "raise the bowl To the eyebrows." I hope some other lucky guy falls in love

with you. (J. Kelly、 N. K. Mao 譯)

可以看出,以上句子里的中心詞都含有“命運”的意識,英譯亦然。《圍城》一例所mean,據(jù)New World Dictionary 等詞典的解釋也有 to destine or seem to destine 的意思,頗為妥帖。

然而,“緣分”等詞和命運的關聯(lián)在有的用法里變得淡化了,甚至完全消失了。它只是泛指一種機遇或者機會。所以M. Roberts翻譯《三國演義》的以下兩句,用的詞語和上邊英譯句子中的相應部分不同:


Your talents and your virtue have ever been the objects of my esteem. But I have not had the honour of being presented to you.

不僅如此,這種機遇還可以發(fā)生在人和事物之間。體育報道里說的“無緣(進入)決賽(be barred from entering the finals; be disqualified for the finals) 即其一例!陡∩洝返淖髡呱驈停ㄗ秩祝┮蚱拮雨愂|喜歡李白和白居易的詩,就跟她說:


This is very strange. So LiBai is your bosom friend, Bai Juyi is your first tutor and yours band‘s literary name is Sanbai. It seems that your life is always bound up with the Bai‘s.

    發(fā)表時間:[ 2013/11/8 ] 瀏覽次數(shù): [ 2377 ]
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